深圳四季酒店携手Maison 21G推出主题联名下午茶

深圳四季酒店携手Maison 21G推出主题联名下午茶

深圳四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen)以法国定制香水品牌Maison 21G的金合欢魔力为设计灵感,将清新的感官体验融入精致甜品中,即日起至6月30日限时推出「欢·韵」下午茶。每套下午茶包含一份Maison 21G香氛礼袋,诚邀宾客于轻松愉悦的氛围中享受慵懒的午后时光,打造专属味觉记忆。

A divinely decadent afternoon tea comes to Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen this May in partnership with the renowned Parisian fragrance brand Maison 21G. From May 1 to June 30, guests at the art-filled urban sanctuary can discover an inspired menu of delicate savoury and sweet delights that explore the uplifting floral and radiant notes and golden hues of Maison 21G’s iconic fragrance, Mimosa Mantra. Each set will feature a lavish Maison 21G fragrance pouch for an added touch of luxury.

深圳四季酒店携手Maison 21G推出主题联名下午茶

金合欢魔力是Maison 21G系列基础香中独树一帜的存在。其甜美的花香如同引人入梦的魔法,让人仿佛置身于丁达尔光斑下的欢愉之中,尽情享受当前的每一刻,珍视那些转瞬即逝的愉悦时光。

Established as a ‘collaborative perfumery house’ with personalization at its core, Maison 21G invites individuals to choose their preferred ingredients from the brand’s exclusive collection of 21 scents. Inspired by the floral essence of Mimosa Mantra, its sweet floral aroma transports individuals into a magical reverie, basking in the warmth of the sun and cherishing fleeting moments of delight. The team at Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen crafts edible masterpieces translating the sensory pleasures of this fragrance into delightful flavours.


The Caramel Honey Lemon Dome artfully embodies the complex aroma of "Mimosa Mantra," melding honey, plum, and amber with its decadent sweetness. Other sweet treats on the menu include Mandarin Breton Cake and Vanilla Bergamot Cake, offering bright bites of sunny citrus.

Central to the traditional afternoon tea experience, freshly baked orange scones are served with homemade jam and vanilla Chantilly cream, perfect with a refreshing cup of tea. Elegant French finesse comes into play in savoury bites such as Petite Éclair with Foie Gras, Scallop and Caramelized Onion and Opened-Face Crostini with Brie Cheese and Honey Figs.

深圳四季酒店携手Maison 21G推出主题联名下午茶

「欢·韵」下午茶即日起至6月30日于逸廊限时推出,每套人民币488*元,包含Maison 21G 两款香水试用装“金合欢魔力”与“香根草大师”。同时凭借伴手礼中的品牌信息卡,宾客前往Maison 21G深圳卓悦中心店消费满800元,可额外获得价值400元的Maison 21G气味日记套装一份。

After enjoying the creativity, guests can also take home two exquisite Maison 21G perfume samples – Mimosa Mantra and Vetiver Virtuoso – that encapsulate joyful vibes and French craftsmanship. Aromas & Delights Afternoon Tea starts from CNY 488* per set.

©Photograph Courtesy of Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen