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2024年1月,冬至阳生,岁回律转。深圳四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen)以浓厚的节日氛围迎接新年,洋溢着对未来的美好期许。馥郁沁香的味道弥漫在空气中,预示着温馨梦幻的情人节也即将来到。酒店精心打造浪漫氛围和缱绻美馔,款款爱意甄选如甜蜜爱恋般闪耀璀璨光芒,令宾客与亲密爱人一同沉浸其中。值此佳节,诚邀各位食客与亲朋好友一同恭贺新禧,共度难忘的美好时光。

From traditional prosperity rituals to elegant afternoon teas, Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen is set to bring magic and meaning to two much-loved winter celebrations. Falling on February 10 in 2024 and observed by over two billion people around the world, Chinese New Year is one of the most treasured holidays in the Hotel’s calendar, marked with special experiences made for sharing. On February 14, Valentine’s Day—a celebration of love, romance and togetherness—guests can look forward to heartfelt dining treats in the city’s contemporary haven.

Zhuo Yue Xuan 卓粤轩 - 新春飨聚

随着新年的钟声渐起,卓粤轩诚邀宾客与家人共赴一场粤式美味的华宴。当季优质食材与精湛烹饪艺术相得益彰,每道佳肴都是对味蕾崇高的礼赞,蕴含着对未来的美好憧憬。招牌菜式包括:鹏程万里 - 芝士牛油伊面焗龙虾、年年有鱼 - 清蒸深海生猛东星斑及欢聚一堂 - 蚝皇花菇鹅掌扣鲍鱼等,带来味蕾的绝妙享受。新春菜单将于除夕夜(2月9日)至元宵节(2月24日)推出,涵盖中午和晚上两个时段,价格4888*元起。

Welcoming in the year of the Dragon with its unique qualities of growth, success and abundance, the Hotel’s elegant Cantonese restaurant Zhuo Yue Xuan showcases four dazzling menu options, ranging in price from CNY 4,888 to CNY 16,888. Available from February 9 to 24, with lunch from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm and dinner from 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm, the menus’ creative classics include Wok-fried Wagyu Beef Ribs with Mushroom and Cashew Nut, Barbecued Whole Suckling Pig and Steamed Star Garoupa in Superior Soy Sauce.

Zhuo Yue Xuan 卓粤轩 - 新年礼赞


For those wanting to spread a smile this Chinese New Year, Zhuo Yue Xuan’s hand-crafted treats and hampers make the perfect gift. With just 24 hours’ notice, traditional celebratory favourites like rice pudding at CNY 218 each and a choice of two poon choi, ranging from CNY 988 to 2,588 each, are available to pick up from the restaurant from January 1 to February 24, while gift-givers can choose from two different treat-filled hampers priced at CNY 1,888 and 2,888.

FOO 馥 - 惬享盛宴

在馥餐厅,三文鱼捞起为新年带来吉祥如意的开端。更有精选自助火锅主题,提供不限量的新鲜食材和精心熬制的汤底,为食客们带来无与伦比的美味享受。而户外烧烤档口,则选用美国特级谷饲200天板腱、澳洲羊排等优质食材,呈现令人垂涎的味觉盛宴。新年自助餐将于2024年2月10日至2月12日的晚餐时段呈献,每位费用为 638*元。

New Year celebrations are made for sharing and the Hotel’s welcoming restaurant, FOO will be marking the occasion with a joyful and lucky Lo Hei ritual or ‘prosperity toss’. From February 10 to 12, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, a stunning Salmon Lo Hei on every table awaits the traditional tossing fun and blessings while welcome drinks, celebratory décor, a kids’ corner, and abundant buffet menus ensure a suitably festive atmosphere. “Huat ah!” priced at CNY 638 per person.

Yi Lounge 逸廊 - 邂逅美好

即日起至2月24日,逸廊将中式茶的魅力融入优雅下午茶之中,邀宾客于午后时光与热闹中国年温暖邂逅。白巧克力玫瑰花茶蛋糕口感温润而甜蜜,乌龙鸭肝甘那许则将乌龙茶的香气与鸭肝的鲜嫩相结合,更有红茶司康饼搭配自制菊花茶香梨果酱,带来别具一格的味蕾享受。更有情人节特别款待于2月14日当天限时推出。系列甜品风格别具匠心,红果蒙布朗以独特红唇造型呈现,口感丰富而细腻。在闲适的时光里与爱人分享无尽情愫,唯爱意永恒。下午茶于每天下午时段供应,每套价格为 498*元,可供双人分享。

Matsuyi 松逸 - 浪漫滋味


Looking for something a little different? Guests can feast on a special Valentine’s Day-inspired menu at the Hotel’s Japanese restaurant, Matsuyi. Favourites like Teppanyaki, Sashimi, Sushi and Tempura receive an artful presentation from Matsuyi’s creative chefs, celebrating love and romance every lunchtime from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm and dinnertime from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm, priced at CNY 1,314 per person.


Please note that the above prices (excluding pick-up items) are subject to a 15% service charge and applicable taxes.

©Photograph Courtesy of Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen